Monday, March 29, 2010

Writing Forward Through the Rearview Mirror

I follow a lot of blogs, not all of which are listed on my blog roll. Need to fix that. In any event, Valerie Storey is a writer I have come to follow very closely.

This weekend I culled through her blog and found this gem from January.

Generally I'm not a fan of the Le Grande Plan so I almost blew passed this one. But before I bounced away, a couple of words caught my eye: intention, loglines, adjectives and relationships. Hmm.... now I'm intrigued.

Coffee in hand, I settled in at my satellite office (read: closest coffee shop with free wi-fi while my kids were at rehearsal) and gave myself a few minutes to investigate further. Two hours later I'd written a sheet for each objective - 21 in total - and filled in most of the pages. I'm happy to report I learned a great deal about the work, and more importantly, about myself.

To be sure, Valerie's topics provide a structure for the business of this year's writing, but moreover, for me anyway, they gave me a place to focus my intentions - all of them - for the year. A cool way to look in my own rearview mirror while watching the road ahead.

Thanks so much, Valerie! I look forward to your next post.

(And it would have been great to load this really cool rearview mirror shot of a sunset from our car driving home from Disneyland, but, Blogger was cranky this Monday morning. Sigh.)