Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Pull Up a Chair

I have no word count for today.

Some waiting was more focused today. Some waiting became plans about how we're going to wait in the weeks to come. Planning for limbo. Interesting.

I have found in my short albeit epic life that the simple act of sitting with another person in whatever space they occupy at that moment is a gift of solidarity. Sometimes the most useful and undemanding show of support for another who suffers is to pull up a chair.

Having said that, I am not always accepting of the gift when given to me. I want to be... more... nicer... and yet, the more I need support the more prickly I become. Luckily my husband and my friends, Chuck and Maribeth, have me pegged. They let me squirm and push and shove, and just when I'm almost exhausted by the sheer effort of keeping them away, they pull up a chair. They have never failed me. Near or far. Not once.

I couldn't type today. My mind was unwilling to play hide-n-seek with my fears. That's okay. I called Maribeth. We met at Unlimited Coffee and sat by the soda cooler for a spell. We wreaked havoc and made each other laugh like we do, but mostly we just sat together, sipping coffee and tea, and looking at each other.

Tomorrow is Thursday.

Photo courtesy of Rustman